Monday, March 28, 2011

Birthday: Garden and web challenges

For my birthday I got a few really cool, unique gifts. I love that my family got gifts that were not the usual.

My parents got me something that will take some work in order for me to get something out of it: a mini garden. They got these two box planters with tomatoes, bell peppers, basil and thyme plants! I am so excited - but I have NEVER kept a plant alive. Maybe these guys will be successful because this is the most I've ever been committed to plants. Anyway, I live on the third floor and have a tiny balcony, so we'll see how they do - no animals to eat them (err, do birds eat these?).

 !!! My brother and his wife bought me this domain. Ok, I know I should be using it now, but I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to explore. Just wait though, I'll be moving the Adventures of Jess over there. I can't wait to learn more about web development (is it even that?) and have my own site!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Katy Trail: my love/hate relationship

I have a love/hate relationship with the Katy Trail. It's by far the best place to run around here. Great path with mile markers every 1/4 mile, with easy access to get on and off the trail. But it is always packed: runners, strollers, dogs, roller bladers, walkers. I love seeing so many people out and about but there are certain things that drive me crazy.

A few pet peeves:
  • People with dogs on retractable leashes with their dogs on the other side of the trails - AH! Your dog should be right next to you, no one should have to attempt to step over the leash!
  • People who are doused in perfume/cologne - it just makes me gag when I run by and smell your musky or floral overwhelming scent!
  • People carrying their pet - seriously. I see this way too much. Generally it's girls who do this. They carry their pets on their hip like a child. I really shouldn't care but I find them really annoying.

Anyway, it's really great that so many people are active so I can overlook my personal issues and keep on running.



  • I love it when bicyclists give a heads-up on passing. There are so many people/noises you can't always hear a high-speed biker approaching. Wish everyone did it.
  • Parents teaching their kids to ride bikes - it is way too busy on the Katy Trail for this is be safe.
Did I forget anything else?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Upcoming races in Dallas

As I'm getting into my routine here in Dallas, I needed to sign up for a few races. I found some great ones in March:
  • St. Paddy's Day 5k on Greenville Ave - Saint Patrick's Day in Dallas is INSANE. Next Saturday, March 12th, there's a parade down Greenville Ave and drinking all day starting at 8:00am. The street is lined (for like 3-4 mi) with tents of people tailgating, tons of restaurants hosting parties and lots of drunk wanderers. Really it's an all day party. So some friends and I will kick off the day with a 5k at 8:30am (I heard last year everyone stopped a few times during the run to chug green beers), then the parade is at 11:00am, followed by all day and night drinking. Very excited for this non-competitive run!
  • Dallas Rock n Roll Half Marathon Relay - I wish I was ready for a half marathon but I'm definitely not. When Taylor asked if I wanted to do the relay half, I knew it would be the perfect chance to get a race in this spring, and have a great runner on my team. Our team name is "All Rock No Rolls" (note to self: start doing crunches) and my registered name is "Chief Redman" (thanks, Tay!). This is the last weekend in March...right after spending a week at a tradeshow - my feet are going to hate me. But this should be another great race!
I'm realizing I won't be signing up for a half this spring so I'm keeping an eye out for a 1/2 this fall to register for. Open to recommendations!